The Baptism of the Lord
January 12, 2025
In my second year of theology studies, I went to confession
to a priest visiting the seminary for a three-day retreat.
My heart wasn’t in it. I was going through the
motions. I confessed my sins and waited for his response.
The priest said, “For your penance, I’d like you
to go into the chapel and repeat the words ‘You are my
beloved Son, with you I am well pleased’ (Luke 3:22)
until they mean something to you.” Easy penance, I
But to my surprise, I struggled to say those words. I
sensed a strong interior resistance blocking them. How
could God be well-pleased with me? He couldn’t be, I
thought. A battle within me ensued. Two hours later,
the resistance vanished, and I found myself able to
speak, and claim as my own, those marvelous words. I
emerged from the chapel with a new, deep, peaceful
conviction that I was indeed God’s beloved son.
Those words are a precious gift from heaven to all of us.
Jesus’ baptism, which we celebrate this week, offers
them to us. Are we willing to receive these words anew?
Many things can block this deepening of our baptismal
identity: failings, sins, disappointments, traumas, problems,
and so on. Yet God’s love is always greater. This
week I challenge you to prayerfully repeat these words
over yourself — or perhaps over someone you’re struggling
to love — until those words find a home in your
- Father John Muir
"God, the Lord of life, has entrusted to men the noble mission of safeguarding
life, and men must carry it out in a manner worthy of themselves. Life must be
protected with the utmost care from the moment of conception: abortion and
infanticide are abominable crimes."
Vatican Council II
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament is scheduled today January 19, 2025 at Sacred Heart Church following the 12:00 noon Mass. Eucharistic Adoration is adoring the True Presence of our Lord Jesus Christ– His Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity-in the Holy Eucharist.
What a treasure trove of stewardship lessons we find in our
Gospel reading today on this feast of the Baptism of the Lord.
Today’s Gospel is one we read every year, so it is easy to lose
sight of just how incredible it is that Jesus wished to be baptized
in the Jordan River by His cousin, John. Stop and contemplate
our Lord in all His perfection, waiting quietly and patiently
in line with a bunch of sinners (like us!) in order to ‘lead
by example.’ His love and humility in serving and self-giving
are beyond all telling.
In addition to the gratitude that Jesus’ baptism should inspire,
we can also study His actions at the Jordan River as a powerful
example of the servant-leadership He displays time and again
throughout His public ministry. We see in our Lord a style of
leadership characterized by humility and leading by example.
Let us be filled with gratitude for our amazing God and be
reminded that when we are grateful followers of Jesus and servant-
leaders in imitation of Him, the Father will be wellpleased
with us, too.
- Tracy Earl Welliver, MTS
A Family Perspective
The gospel today points to Jesus’ humanity; like us He needed RECOGNITION (“You
are my Son”), AFFFECTION (“My Beloved Son”) and AFFIRMANTION (“With you I am
well pleased.”). In our families it is easy to focus on irritating behaviors
and take for granted all the positives. This New Year take a lesson from God the
Father, be an AFFIRMER and not a BLAMER
- Bud Ozar
Prayer Requests
Kathy Ansman, Mark Blackie, Rod Baronner, Dan Bauer, Dave Bauer, Damian Branas, Vince Bumann, Jack Chilcote, Harry Chirdon, Karen Claar, Brandon Conaway, Shirley Conlon, Denise Conrad, James Conrad, Kathy Corl, William Costlow, Bob Decker, Colette DiMemmo, Tim Dodson, Joan Donnelly, Matthew Dorman, Nate Dorman, Amelia Doughurty, Lois Duncan, Thomas Duncan, Sam Dunio, Paul Dunmire, Ashley Eagen, Corinda Ermin, Ruth Ann Frederick, Herman Frederick, Phyllis Hauser, Leighton Hess, Dolly Holzer, Lucy Horton, Raymond Kargo, Russell Keith, Kenny Anthony Keagy, John Kleine, Sue Koehle, Paula J. Lafferty, Ruth Lamca, Cyndi Lansberry, John Leshene, Beth Lloyd, Lou Maierhofer, Charles McGrain, Shirley McIntyre,Mason Wayne McManus, Paul Angelo Morelli, Bev Mueller, Bonnie Neal, Jessica Neff, Lee Neff, Kevin O'Rourke, Sarah Rihnovich, Patti Robinson, Gary Rupert Jr, Nancy Servello,Laura Snyder, Alex Walter, Margo Wascherl, Alan Watson, Joan Weston,HankWilliams, Renee Williams, Mikayla Yanchik.
If you would like to add a sick or hospitalized person to our prayer list or
readd a person, please call the rectory office, at 943-8553. Parishioners of
Saint Mary are encouraged and welcome to participate. Remember, you must have
the permission of the ill person/family to publish their name.
Sacred Heart Parish | 511 20th Street | Altoona, PA 16602 | (814) 943-8553
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